On this web site we present our (HQTM-Team) productions made for great game Midtown Madness 2. You can find here many cars, addons, additional colors, programs and tutorials.
MM2CSC 2008.8
We released new version (2008.8) of MM2CSC. It includes two new translations: Italian (made by Franch88) and French (made by Riva)
MM2CSC 2008.4
We released new version (2008.4) of MM2CSC. It includes german translation made by Niggie - details in readme.
Classic Madness Mirrors
Thanks to Bradley_Wint from Grand Theft Central and Gafaddict from MMArchive we have additional mirrors you can use to download Classic Madness. Thank you.
The Classic Madness could have been one of the biggest mod in MM2's history...
...but it became one of the biggest unfinished mod. Sorry for that, but the project is not going to be finished by HQTM. Maybe somebody will continue our work, it's up to you.
The mod is unfinished but it deosn't mean that it's nothing. The package includes more than 20 players cars with dashboards, new traffic cars, snow mod for four cities and two brand new cities - Forsaken Vale and Pleasantville. It should or even must give you some fun.
The Classic Madness is also our last official production. We lived in MM2 world many years and it's time to end it. We could write that we don't have time for this game, but it wouldn't be truth, we have time, but we prefere to spend it doing other things. MM2 was our hobby, but it's not anymore. Everything ends someday, this day is the end of HQTM-Team.
This is not the end of the website and the forum. We will be still around and maybe we create some new cars, but don't expect big project and things like this. We'd like also to thank all of you who have been with us some many years. We appreciate your comments and criticism, we existed because of you. Thank you.
Backing to the mod, because it's unifinished then you are going to relase Classic Madness Developer Pack which allows you to modify or even finish FV and PV. The cities files are not protected. Tune and sounds of the cars will probably also need some modification, this is why we included !CM_!_Changes.ar - not protected file containing tune files. And finally in mods directory you can find small but funny modification made by BoosterMM - please use only one at the same time.
That's all we wanted to say, we hope you will forgive us that we didn't finish the mod you were waiting so many years for, but the truth is that the project was too big for so small group of people and instead of a challange, it became a curse.
Pobierz Classic Madness
BTW. Additional mirrors will be added soon.
Recommended update of MM2 City Toolkit
New version of the program is available. It includes a lot of bug fixing and improvements, it's hard to count them all. There is also new test city included in user manual which shows how to create a train, ferry and sailboat - more detailed description will be provided soon. Please enojoy downloadig.
The problem of case senstive car name was fixed and the program works with STC Impala Pack.
Webmaster contest - summary
A month after contest's end, it's time to write something about it. We've been thinking about it and we didn't know what to write. To be honest, we are disappointed, maybe we expected too much.
The begining was ok, but the end wasn't. The contest didn't have as many participants as we expected. Only few website were started and presented however only one was finished. First we wanted to ask you what happend, but now we think that it doesn't matter any more, it was your choice.
Like we wrote, only one website was finished, but do not understand us wrong. The author won, because he made very good website, not because only he made it.
End of yamping, time for results.
The winner is Gafaddict, congratulations!
We want to thank You, for your time, for your work and for taking part in the contest. Thank You:)
We'd like to say thank you for all other praticipants even if they didn't finish their work, we hope that they at least tray and maybe next time will be better.
BTW. You can check his work here
MM2 City Toolkit
Short news, we've released new version (2007.5) of MM2CT.
Happy Easter
We'd like to give You some kind of present, a new car. Finnaly we finished and released one of our oldest project, Nissan Skyline BRN 34 GT-R. Unfortunatelly, Racer version is still not ready, but we hope that MM2 and WR2 versions will give you much fun :) The second thing, very often you complain that the car's handling or performance aren't good and you want to change it - MM2UT is the answer for your complaints.
Webmaster contest
The contest has begun yesterday, it will end 31.05.2007 23:59. To participate in it, you have to create website about CM. The award will be (except satisfaction and oportunity to show the rest of the work that you can make great website) the name of the offcial CM website and access to bonuses and news. More details on the forum.

Good luck!
Media patronage: Midtown Madness Special
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