Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


I wanted to put it on some other time, but Oh what the hell! 

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Rare MM2 bug

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  Main > Midtown Madness 2 > Midtown Madness 2 - 20th Anniversary

Midtown Madness 2 - 20th Anniversary
Posted by DjDecibel on 19/01/2021
Happy 20th anniversary of Midtown Madness 2! The main goal of this tribute is to showcase how the game might've ended up looking like if the traffic vehicles in the final game were made in the same style as Midnight Club, alongside a few improvements,
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IllusionWarp 18/02/2021 20:17
Awesome video! Nice sounds and music to capture the quirky and cool vibe of a classic game :D MM2 <3