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.:|[ WTF? ]|:.
Submitted by busman10

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This just does it. Last time I had an in-game sailing  boat under my (UK) offside, now this. Is this a glitch or something the designers put in the RSR paint job?

Media Description

This just does it. Last time I had an in-game sailing boat under my (UK) offside, now this. Is this a glitch or something the designers put in the RSR paint job?

Media Info

Submitted by: busman10
Added: 09 Oct 2010 21:26:16
Filename: 40ac8d699792374.JPG
Size: [639 x 478 JPG]
Viewed: 1746 times
Votes: 1 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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6 Member busman10
(13 Oct 2010 18:06:03)
When I went to London, there was NO boat. I'm sure!

5 Member dummiesboy
(10 Oct 2010 15:54:34)
How can you miss London's? It places a huge boat behind you! :P

4 Member busman10
(10 Oct 2010 08:31:41)
Come to think of it, I was in San Francisco when the sailing boat stuck itself to the car, and I can't remember what happened when I was in London. So it goes like this:

New York: traffic light
San Francisco: sailing boat
London: ?????


I have since found out that in London nothing sticks to the car at all.

3 Member dummiesboy
(10 Oct 2010 02:57:28)
Haha! Yeah, that gitch happens with the 11th paintjob of any car. The object merged with you varies depending on which city you are in.

2 Member NightBR
(10 Oct 2010 02:50:44)
This is the Porsche 911 GT3 RS.
available here in MM2X, MM2BR and MMArchive.

1 Member MurdocBr
(10 Oct 2010 01:51:06)
How do u get this car?