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.:|[ 2005 Pontiac GTO in New York City ]|:.
Submitted by Deanna_Troi

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Very rare car to find countrywide. In 2005 alone, precisely 11,069 GTO of this generation were built. And it's also a shame that the Pontiac brand was since discontinued only recently.... Still, the GTO is a killer car, and one to ajudge it's character an

Media Description

Very rare car to find countrywide. In 2005 alone, precisely 11,069 GTO of this generation were built. And it's also a shame that the Pontiac brand was since discontinued only recently.... Still, the GTO is a killer car, and one to ajudge it's character and it's prowl looks...

Media Info

Submitted by: Deanna_Troi
Added: 08 Aug 2010 06:50:54
Filename: e13a9084a629ed6.jpg
Size: [800 x 600 jpg]
Viewed: 1668 times
Votes: 3 times
Rating: 9.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
7 Member MurdocBr
(10 Aug 2010 05:47:49)

6 Member Deanna Troi
(10 Aug 2010 04:39:06)
Thanks Murdoc! :D

5 Member MurdocBr
(09 Aug 2010 22:18:59)
Uh.. nice edits Deanna, GTO on the NY.. wonderful :)

4 Member Deanna Troi
(09 Aug 2010 18:03:35)
Thanks Kunal2045! :D

3 Member Kunal2045
(09 Aug 2010 10:02:49)

BTW Nice shot :)

2 Member Deanna Troi
(08 Aug 2010 22:36:51)
I couldn't agree more Earl. And yes, the GTO we know is famous even now was made from 1964 to 1974, so, you have it quite correct. ;) The GTO concept looked pretty too, as you said, and they could've been given the green light to use that body style instead of basing it off a Austrailian-bulit Holden Monaro. Nowadays, most Pontiacs were either a clone of other GM vehicles, or based off Aussie muscles like the Holden Commodore, which GM sold in the U.S. as the Pontiac G8, and due to those factors, that was the main reason why Pontiac sales kept sliding until the very moment that they could no longer substain that kind of volume... I guess now that, in the future, any modern-day Pontiac like this one would cost a LOT more than even now...

1 Member Earlduke12488
(08 Aug 2010 22:26:57)
R.I.P., Pontiac. :( We all miss you, Pontiac. But to look on the bright side, at least they were around with us for as long as they were, and made some very good cars, too.

Most notably, of course, the famous GTO of '64-'74 (or was it '75?)

Trans Am,

Grand Am,



Grand Prix,

Solstice (one of my favorites next to the GTO, including the Trans Am & Firebird),


Aztec (the Aztec might've been the "ugly duckling" of the bunch, but still it's important),

Sunfire (which wasn't quite that good, but was decent, in some respects),

& Fiero.

To name almost a dozen different cars that they made.

Pontiac's GTO concept car of '99 looked pretty sweet, but it's a shame that it never got made, and was a design experiment and was without an engine, though. Had Pontiac decided to take it past the concept stage, they would've had one hell of a car, without a doubt.