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.:|[ Knight Industries 3000 ]|:.
Submitted by Deanna_Troi

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Our agenda: To catch the terrorists trying to destroy New York City!

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Our agenda: To catch the terrorists trying to destroy New York City!

Media Info

Submitted by: Deanna_Troi
Added: 06 May 2010 01:23:05
Filename: b11aa9959e9026f.jpg
Size: [640 x 480 jpg]
Viewed: 2096 times
Votes: 4 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
19 Member Deanna Troi
(11 May 2010 02:01:37)
Thanks! :D

18 Member sajmon14
(10 May 2010 15:55:48)
looks great :D

17 Member naverd01
(09 May 2010 16:04:44)
:D lol

16 Member Deanna Troi
(08 May 2010 22:09:26)
It means "very happy"!

15 Member naverd01
(08 May 2010 18:27:43)
Everyone is using the ' :D ' thing!

14 Member Deanna Troi
(08 May 2010 16:55:42)
Thanks! :D

13 Member Zac4084
(08 May 2010 15:47:59)
Nice wheel edits, great. =)

12 Member Deanna Troi
(08 May 2010 15:45:17)
lol Thanks! :D

11 Member twcfan
(08 May 2010 14:40:26)
wu hoo nice! :D

10 Member Deanna Troi
(08 May 2010 02:21:14)
Thanks! :D

9 Member NightBR
(08 May 2010 00:35:05)
I like differet angles, nice editing

8 Member MurdocBr
(07 May 2010 15:11:37)

7 Member Deanna Troi
(07 May 2010 00:20:55)
Thanks! :D

6 Member MurdocBr
(06 May 2010 23:25:38)
Nice edit's Deanna :)

5 Member Deanna Troi
(06 May 2010 16:45:30)
Thanks a bunch! :D

@Earlduke12488: Yes, I remember that one. However, what I meant was that a new breed of terrorists has just emerged, and this time, they are heck-bent in taking revenge against the U.S.A.. This is preciesly why the Foundation For Law and Government was reformed. ;)

@Silent1Unknown: Yeah, only low poly, and most mid-poly and high-poly cars work with this add-on city. Some of the NFS-converted cars (like NFS: Most Wanted or NFS: Carbon, for example) that were not "poly-enhanced", so to speak (take Franch88's Dodge Charger SRT-8 and Chrysler 300c SRT-8, for example), work with this track as well; of course, that may vary depending on the pixel shader you currently have, and the kind of video card you have. I am currently using NVIDIA GeForce 9300 GE and pixel shader 2.0 and this is what I have as a result. ;) Oh yeah, and I am using the Improved v1.1 version of NYC add-on city... ;) Still, thanks a bunch! :D

4 Member Silent1Unknown
(06 May 2010 06:25:19)
Wow, wicked screenshot! ;)

Man, I'm jealous. All your screenshots are taken from NYC. I have a hard time getting decent cars in that city without getting the game to crash. Anyway, keep them screenshots coming. :D

3 Member Earlduke12488
(06 May 2010 05:51:54)
But wait. . . Wasn't New York already attacked on 9-11-01 years ago? Or are these a different kind of terrorists, with a much more sinister agenda to carry out?

2 Member Deanna Troi
(06 May 2010 02:56:04)
Thanks! :D

1 Member StanOfGB
(06 May 2010 02:40:21)
lol awesome