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.:|[ CI5 vs. Corrupt London Police... ]|:.
Submitted by Deanna_Troi

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Two corrupt London Police Officers chase a fictional CI5 agent...

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Two corrupt London Police Officers chase a fictional CI5 agent...

Media Info

Submitted by: Deanna_Troi
Added: 16 Dec 2009 08:49:25
Filename: 6261b54be4a22ad.jpg
Size: [1024 x 768 jpg]
Viewed: 1873 times
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6 Member Deanna Troi
(18 Dec 2009 11:47:42)
Yes indeed! :D And the only reason that CI5: The Professionals was and is still rare (assuming you haven't read a Wikipedia article about it yet) is because it was shown only in the U.K. and in a few european countries and not in the U.S., although it would be great if it were to broadcast on U.S. TVs. ;)

5 Member Earlduke12488
(18 Dec 2009 04:23:30)
That's cool! I've never seen it on T.V. before, but I can only think that it's definitely worth the watch. :)

4 Member Deanna Troi
(17 Dec 2009 11:15:49)
Yes, and it is logical and worthy to assume that the CI5 would fare better than even the local police if this were to be founded in real life. ;)

3 Member Earlduke12488
(17 Dec 2009 07:28:38)
Ooooh, so that's what CI5 is. But that's cool. Didn't know that until now. :)

2 Member Deanna Troi
(17 Dec 2009 03:36:38)

That's what I am actually referring to.. ;)

CI5 (short for Criminal Intelligence 5) is a fictional law enforcement agency who specializes in crimes too hot and extreme for even the secret service or the military to handle. In other words, the Home Secretary instructs any CI5 agent to use whatever means are necessary to keep the British country safe and sound...

This shot you have just seen is actually insipired by CI5: The Professionals. ;)

1 Member Earlduke12488
(17 Dec 2009 02:03:02)
What is CI5? Or do you mean CIA?