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Submitted by Zac4084

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Who's coming with you?

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Who's coming with you?

Media Info

Submitted by: Zac4084
Added: 02 Nov 2009 00:10:37
Filename: 2d97a437d68bb23.jpg
Size: [800 x 600 jpg]
Viewed: 1979 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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10 Member hastantyo
(04 Nov 2009 09:25:19)
OK, I apologize if I told about your secrets, I apologize if I have to say presumptuous here about your creativity. i just explain what Dageek asked about. sorry if i make you hurt. ^^

9 Member Zac4084
(03 Nov 2009 22:13:32)
Priyo.. That was a long time ago when I edited it. :/

Ill post a pic (1024x768) and you'll see no change. I don't want anyone to steal this secret, but it must be told. If you want to know PM me.

What I really did was edit the cam. files in MM2UT, then DO A CERTAIN VIEW and CERTAIN ANGLE and take the pic really quick. I don't like to lie about this, and its kinda stupid to argue over a ss. Most are over edited and not accepted here.


Take the pic and tilt it in a photo editing program.. Rotate it! See how it is STILL tilted! Its like in a up angle.

PLUS- All my pics now are 800x600, its the default Paint.Net 'new' canvas size..

If I have Franch's permission I WILL post a new topic, I really want this to come out, Finally something people will like hat is good from me. :/

8 Member hastantyo
(03 Nov 2009 14:54:27)
you can also see Zac's pic was taken a long time ago on MM2 SS gallery.



look the image resolution. not valid as the default resolution in the game, right?

then, compare with this pic one (the last). he was improved the last pic (this one), from the previous. :D

7 Member hastantyo
(03 Nov 2009 14:44:07)
oh, i know. okay Dageek, here:

to make the "tilt" in game is very very impossible. he just rotate the image on his "image editting program" as he like. not on the game. because the game just only can rotate the camera angle on "Y" and "X" axis. its impossible to rotate the camera angle with a "degrees" count, like that pic.

i know Zac's trick, he "rotate" that pic and "crop" it to 800x600 pixel. i guess the original resolution pic is 1280x1024 or 1024x768. so, no body knows that he make the "tilt" in game, because he took the resolution on that pic as the default resolution on MM2 game. ^^ anyway, nice picture Zac!

if you wanted to make your own "screenshot" like that pic, you must take the screen at the "big" resolution. because its more easier to "rotate" the pic (edit), and "crop" it.

you can see also my pic here:
started from there, and see the next pic. but, i took the pic at 1024x768 resolution, so i just can edit the pic (rotate and crop) it not more 512x... pixel, low quality.

that's all.

6 Member dageek
(03 Nov 2009 14:29:19)
like rotation

5 Member hastantyo
(03 Nov 2009 14:24:00)
what is "tilt"?

4 Member dageek
(03 Nov 2009 06:34:54)
how did you get tilt?

3 Member Zac4084
(02 Nov 2009 22:10:09)
Haha Riva.


Well in this:

Photoshop for text only.


Paint.Net (Prefer, easier for me..) For the sunshine effect, and the background.

The tilt and snapshot was ingame.

2 Member stefan188
(02 Nov 2009 21:36:40)
nice shot,what program did you use for the effects?

1 Member Riva
(02 Nov 2009 14:18:58)
Nice effects, good idea. The Hell's Gate is close =)