Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


There are about 6 cops there and another one stuck in a ramp (in another pic) I pushed two of them there, the other four are as they died.
Bad day to be a co..

Added by Kasm279

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A short video Tutorial showing How To install a car in Midtown Madness 2. 🚗<br>
he same procedure can also be used for install add ons, mods or tracks to the game!
How To install a C..

Added by DjDecibel

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.:|[ Sun ray! ]|:.
Submitted by MadnessMan

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WOW!!!! look at the sun ray ps sum won needs to make a pizza car!

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WOW!!!! look at the sun ray ps sum won needs to make a pizza car!

Media Info

Submitted by: MadnessMan
Added: 26 Jan 2009 21:13:02
Filename: eda0bb6ba1ddd38.jpg
Size: [1310 x 1054 jpg]
Viewed: 1903 times
Votes: 3 times
Rating: 4.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
8 Member MadnessMan
(27 Jan 2009 05:26:24)
i am going to pm you to show you a link of a pizza car so you can see what i am talking about ok?

7 Member Silent1Unknown
(27 Jan 2009 05:19:06)
Show me a picture, mate.

6 Member MadnessMan
(27 Jan 2009 05:01:33)
uh no a car that has a top thing like on a taxe only the top thing says pizza and the car is blue and red.

5 Member Silent1Unknown
(27 Jan 2009 02:56:53)
You mean those vans with pizza stickers all over them? Maybe I can make it for my traffic mod.

4 Member MadnessMan
(27 Jan 2009 00:53:55)
you know a pizza guy that brings you pizza

3 Member Silent1Unknown
(27 Jan 2009 00:46:23)
What is a pizza car?

2 Member MadnessMan
(26 Jan 2009 22:06:45)
is that a good thing........?

1 Member StanOfGB
(26 Jan 2009 21:45:54)
pizza car? you are getting out of hand, lol