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.:|[ R34 @ mt akina ]|:.
Submitted by JC1138

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took me quite a while to find this map

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took me quite a while to find this map

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Submitted by: JC1138
Added: 08 Oct 2008 03:23:35
Filename: 81491f6f4ac01a3.JPG
Size: [1152 x 864 JPG]
Viewed: 2633 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 9.0 Point

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10 Member d-tuner
(10 Oct 2008 20:52:13)
" ...doesn't use all the LOD objects for the 4 splitted track parts, this is why of the no lag"

Oh, I see. BTW, that's logical - 'closed' mountain-typed tracks don't need all LOD objects.

9 Member Franch88
(10 Oct 2008 20:14:13)
D-tuner, it doesn't use all the LOD objects for the 4 splitted track parts, this is why of the no lag.

8 Member d-tuner
(09 Oct 2008 20:37:24)
Thanks, JC1138, for the info!
Definately, a great track! One of the best mountains I've seen!
What is interesting, it looks more complicated than Akagi Downhill, but doesn't lag. Maybe it's the lesser number of splitted parts, or the textures...

7 Member Riva
(09 Oct 2008 12:31:59)
I tested this version and ... it's the same that mine (the original come from GTA SA like this one). I saw that these guys removed the trees on the road but some bugs are present (road detaching, no detachable parts). Anyway it's a good addon for MM2, I don't need to fix and release my version.

6 Member JC1138
(09 Oct 2008 03:08:13)
you are welcome, glad it helps :D

5 Member Franch88
(09 Oct 2008 01:51:21)
Thank you for the great info. :) The one that I already have has the same file name, akina_v1i.rar, but the file it's less big than the one downloaded from that website. This new downloaded file has the working map. Thanks so much. ;)

4 Member JC1138
(09 Oct 2008 01:09:35)
Franch, which version do you have? mine is the akinav1int version and while i was searching for it, i encountered a few corrupted versions; so maybe yours is the corrupted version too. try this one
scroll to the bottom of the page. if it still doesnt work, then i dont know what the problem is =(

Riva, i look forward to the day you release it. this version doenst have the whole map of mt akina, as a matter of fact, the author converted only half of mt akina.

3 Member EmoSupra
(09 Oct 2008 00:56:16)
Where did you get it?

2 Member Riva
(08 Oct 2008 22:51:17)
I need to release this map one day o_O I've always the files since the GTA release but I forgot to fix the Racing track project so maybe one day, who knows.

1 Member Franch88
(08 Oct 2008 20:33:29)
I've this map, but for a reason it doesn't work, and I can't neither check its files...