Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


When there are just 4 wheels instead of 6..
Huge Skidmark

Added by e-cobra

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To be clear : this is more of a tribute to the Midtown Madness series, the racing games that were part of my childhood and that i've always loved.
Midtown Madness is..

Added by DjDecibel

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Midtown Madness ScreenShots

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Submitted by EnzoSkylineMiura

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A story goes with this photo... 

My dad played this game with me when I was younger, and he had this car, the Mercedes-Benz GT Racer. We drove it so much 'cause it was so freakin fast :P! My dad told me how to drive up to the top of this building and h

Media Description

A story goes with this photo...

My dad played this game with me when I was younger, and he had this car, the Mercedes-Benz GT Racer. We drove it so much 'cause it was so freakin fast :P! My dad told me how to drive up to the top of this building and he took this actual shot. I was browsing through my parents computer because I made a Gamejolt account because my computer is broken. I was looking for a nice profile pic and I found this! I brought it onto my laptop and edited it to look like this (so no, it was never edited like this until now)! I also re-downloaded it for old times sake. :D That's it lol

Media Info

Submitted by: EnzoSkylineMiura
Added: 01 Nov 2014 19:31:38
Filename: a0e9c1c0ac03690.jpg
Size: [842 x 603 jpg]
Viewed: 1321 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
4 Member TheOne10118
(04 Dec 2014 01:25:10)
My first download that actually worked was the McLaren F1 LM.

3 Member Seahawk
(02 Nov 2014 07:21:06)
Mine first download is the Armoured Vehicle (That APC).

2 Member FXANBSS
(02 Nov 2014 03:27:08)
The first cars i downloaded were 1967 Pontiac GTO and 1987 Pontiac Fiero GT.

I think the GTO was the first.
My father helped me to download it.

(02 Nov 2014 02:05:33)
The first MM2 car I've ever downloaded was Riva's Lamborghini Diable SE