Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


Another old classic favorite of mine! ;-)
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.:|[ Starsky and Hutch ]|:.
Submitted by KingAndy

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My child game was absolutely ''Starsky and Hutch the Videogame'', a game based on the 70's TV series.

Ford Gran Torino is also my favourite car ever, I would really like to some day can own one.

That's why I like so much this car on MM2. More than i

Media Description

My child game was absolutely "Starsky and Hutch the Videogame", a game based on the 70's TV series.

Ford Gran Torino is also my favourite car ever, I would really like to some day can own one.

That's why I like so much this car on MM2. More than it's big quality, it's a great looking muscle car.

This screenshot was based on the videogame I talked, where there are a lot of this obstacles to you destroy and win more time in the game for doing this. It's not so funny to crash into the obstacles in MM2 because of the unrealistic crashes, but I guess the screenshot is cool

Car: 1974 Ford Gran Torino by Riva
Track: This is pretty obvious. It's the default San Francisco (but with lots of mods)

Media Info

Submitted by: KingAndy
Added: 18 Dec 2013 14:42:52
Filename: 3b7b353b72a0669.jpg
Size: [1366 x 768 jpg]
Viewed: 1567 times
Votes: 2 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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3 Member EnzoSkylineMiura
(19 Dec 2013 23:19:19)
:P lol

2 Member KingAndy
(19 Dec 2013 21:55:08)
Lool this shot I took and upload about 30 minutes before the conversation about the gran torino started, it was a fun coincidence ;)

1 Member EnzoSkylineMiura
(18 Dec 2013 23:32:09)
Haha, you were you just talking about this. :P