Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme - Downloads


The Wheels of my Panoz GTR-1 IRT NOS flown! It flies, so that it accelerates at a speed of 745 MH/P with Panoz xD

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My Wheels Fly!!

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This car is Daewoo Prince 2.0 DOHC
Fantastic spin turn

Added by racer2123

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Midtown Madness 2 CarsOther brandsPeel P50 vFinal
Author : Dummiesman, Deebz__, MysteryDriverX Mod Type : Scratch
Size : 2.93 MB Added On : May 12th 2024 8:47pm
Views : 370 Downloads : 59
Posts needed : 0 Permissions : All Visitors
Version : Final Ratings : 0 / 10 

This very small car is made by Dummiesman (Aaro4130) and Deebz__ (Dummiesboy). It features nice low polygons model and very good textures, a very nice dashboard made by MysteryDriverX, new very good sounds, appropriate tuning, 5 colors, and very good complete damages.

Download Peel P50
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