Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme - Downloads


The part when John Corner is being chased by cops and he's in a van and that good terminator helps him from a fire truck. This is also my MM2 SotM April 2014 screenshot.
Terminator 3

Added by Seahawk

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Happy 20th anniversary of Midtown Madness 2! 

The main goal of this tribute is to showcase how the game might've ended up looking like if the traffic vehicles in the final game were made in the same style as Midnight Club, alongside a few improvements,
Midtown Madness 2 ..

Added by DjDecibel

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Midtown Madness 2 CarsCadillac1955 Cadillac Coupe de Ville v1.10
Author : MysteryDriverX, Dummiesboy Mod Type : Scratch
Size : 5.06 MB Added On : Jan 23rd 2024 10:06pm
Views : 1885 Downloads : 190
Posts needed : 0 Permissions : All Visitors
Version : 1.10 Ratings : 0 / 10 

Car made from scratch by MysteryDriverX that has good low polygons model, nice textures, very nice dashboard, good appropriate sounds and tuning, 7 colors, and good damages with good damages textures and breakable parts. It also has 3D damages (needs NuHook patcher).

Download 1955 Cadillac Coupe de Ville
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