Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme - Downloads


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Happy 20th anniversary of Midtown Madness 2! 

The main goal of this tribute is to showcase how the game might've ended up looking like if the traffic vehicles in the final game were made in the same style as Midnight Club, alongside a few improvements,
Midtown Madness 2 ..

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Midtown Madness 2 TracksMadness City 3 vFinal
Author : Madness Sting Mod Type : Scratch
Size : 14.06 MB Updated : Aug 30th 2003 1:17am
Views : 6697 Downloads : 48879
Posts needed : 0 Permissions : All Visitors
Version : Final Ratings : 9 / 10 

Madness Sting released the third version of Madness City, probably one of the best cities for MM2. The city is enough big, has a lot of jumps, new features, nice textures and no major bugs like the others (visibility). There are buildings, secret areas, a working map and the multiplayer mod is enable. A must to have!

Download Madness City 3
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Comments for Madness City 3
Mar 23rd 2021 6:26pm
Rating : 9
Great mod!
Jul 5th 2010 3:45am
Rating : 9
Awesum track!!! Could play 4 hours on end :)
Oct 17th 2009 5:20pm
Rating : 10
new link for Download http://rapidshare.com/files/294247984/madness_city_3.zip
Jan 10th 2009 12:46pm
Rating : 9
coool !!! you can go work by microsoft!
Mar 21st 2007 1:25am
Rating : 10
this track is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 5th 2006 12:35am
Rating : 10
i cant not make it work help me please
Jul 24th 2005 7:48pm
Rating : 9
This is awsome!! Hey it takes watermod off but i know how to make watermod work even with madness city 2 and 3. Just ask me
Jun 18th 2005 11:25pm
Rating : 8
madness city 2 is better lol
Jun 13th 2005 12:03am
Rating : 8
This Track Is very cool the only way it could be better is if it had Traffic vehicles.