Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


Old 1971 New Yorker in San Francisco without a fender on one side and a hood
Used New Yorker

Added by Audi_Forever

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To be clear : this is more of a tribute to the Midtown Madness series, the racing games that were part of my childhood and that i've always loved.
Midtown Madness is..

Added by DjDecibel

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New MM2 Car New MM2 Car: Airbus A380

Posted on Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:50 am by Gafaddict

This is an Airbus A380, a plane. Not a little fighter plane either, we're talking jumbo jets this time round. To an extent you can control the thing; if you have enough concentration you could actually make short little trips from bay to bay on the San Francisco coast. Besides an impressively realistic model that MM2 is able to handle, there are 10 paint jobs and original sounds that come with the vehicle.

Get it here.

(By the way, this is MM2X's 200th download
Wink )

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Re: Airbus A380 (Score: 1)
by kusa_einstein (bond007@bonds.com) on Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:06 am
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It becomes totally out of control once it is in the air. It either falls back or dissapears from the map. Once in the air it cannot be turned left right or up and down. Can someone please tell me how to control this plane.

Re: Airbus A380 (Score: 1)
by davew27 (helicopterbridgeshark@isitreal.co.fr) on Mon Jul 30, 2007 6:40 pm
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Yay! I've not played mm2 for a few weeks, but I like flying planes in it, so I'll install and try this.

Re: Airbus A380 (Score: 1)
by henaz999 on Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:23 am
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.henaz999.bebo.com
[b]Not good. :(

Whenever I take off I either just fall back down to Earth again or I just accelerate into the air and out of the map!! :roll:


I ccan't turn with the plane or anything - I've read the instructions and it just says take off is 84mp__.

I can only give this 2/10 - 1 mark for paint jobs, 1 mark for the actual detail of the plane itself.

VERY DISAPPOINTED - I'm sorry to say... :cry:[/b]

Re: Airbus A380 (Score: 1)
by d-tuner on Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:49 pm
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As you all know, MM2 wasn't meant to support the planes. All that plane actually fly in MM2 is because of the gravity value changing (for VEHICLES only). That's why there are no controls for planes, and it's pretty uncontrolable - all you can set is the direction and speed of the flight.

And, please, do know this - "Planes in MM2=RANDOM"

Little hint: for the faster take off hit some hills at required speed (~90 mph). SanFrancisco is a good place for it.

Good luck :)

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Airbus A380

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