I have a bit of a long shot request, many many many years ago (June 2001 thereabouts) I made a Tron Light Cycle for MM2, it was reviewed on one of the then Midtown Sites and someone on this site had posted a image of it on this site a while ago here...
https://lnx.mm2x.com/modules.php?op=mod ... erby=dateD
I only have my old screenshot from way back when....

It would be really cool to be able to play with this again, if anyone has a copy that would be awesome, the original file was called tronc.zip and the readme show my old name of Oddball and attributes Kareem Badr as the original modeler.
June 2022: I managed to find the midtown motors review of the bike on wayback from 2001

https://web.archive.org/web/20011129165 ... ors.co.uk/
Thanks for reading

EDIT: May 21 = Fixed image, June 22 = Found an old review.