Can anyone help me find my old Tron Lightcycle mod?

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Can anyone help me find my old Tron Lightcycle mod?

Postby NebularNerd » Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:25 pm

Hey forum dwellers :)

I have a bit of a long shot request, many many many years ago (June 2001 thereabouts) I made a Tron Light Cycle for MM2, it was reviewed on one of the then Midtown Sites and someone on this site had posted a image of it on this site a while ago here... ... erby=dateD

I only have my old screenshot from way back when....

It would be really cool to be able to play with this again, if anyone has a copy that would be awesome, the original file was called and the readme show my old name of Oddball and attributes Kareem Badr as the original modeler.

June 2022: I managed to find the midtown motors review of the bike on wayback from 2001 :) ...

Thanks for reading :)

EDIT: May 21 = Fixed image, June 22 = Found an old review.
Last edited by NebularNerd on Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Can anyone help me find my old Tron Lightcycle mod?

Postby Franch88 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:45 pm

Hello! It's awesome to see an old maker come back after so many years! :D

I remember of that screenshot in the gallery of this website... Thanks for the info and even the filename, but unfortunately, I haven't it. I've always wondered where to get it, too...
I've found in my archives an incomplete Tron Light Cycle, but looking at its model, it's a lot different than yours and was made about 10 years after yours, then.

PS: the image that you've posted can't be embedded and showed in the forum post, showing instead an image with an advice about the not supporting of linking of images for free accounts; so, I've made it clickable with the direct link to it, and in this way it can be see.
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Re: Can anyone help me find my old Tron Lightcycle mod?

Postby Seahawk » Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:23 am

Welcome back!
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Re: Can anyone help me find my old Tron Lightcycle mod?

Postby DjDecibel » Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:56 pm

i searched in my old mm2 folders but nothing.. I don't have it!

welcome back to mm2 :)

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Re: Can anyone help me find my old Tron Lightcycle mod?

Postby Jeremiahjobling » Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:22 pm

Welcome back, nice to see veteran MM modders pop back occasionally for a visit.
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Re: Can anyone help me find my old Tron Lightcycle mod?

Postby NebularNerd » Thu May 21, 2020 1:42 pm

Thanks Franch88 for adding the link, I've moved the image onto my own host so it now works :)

I will have to get this up and running again, used to have fun playing around. I imagine modeling work is much easy now with our modern systems. I used to do some model conversions for Star Trek games as well and trying to rotate a model in ZModeler back in day on AGP era cards was sllloooowwww :)