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Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:34 pm
by RohitXL5
Thanks, dummiesboy.

I'm currently having my school quarterly examinations, so I've much pressure of studies now. So it will end in 2 days as 2 papers left, I'll continue it after I'm free from exams.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:48 pm
by sajmon14
Nice update, I knew that opponents can cross the grass but I never know how to make them go there in my own maps :P

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:09 am
by RohitXL5
Thanks guys!

Finally, a long month awaited, South Bank Brawl, now is ready! :D

It's gonna be cool now. Here're some pictures with their features!

Here, I've swapped the start spots of the opponents which goes from bridge side due to an issue of pushing because of new routes, so these are perfect swaps for the new routes + shows weather of foggy noon. :)


Here, I've accelerated AI for fastback due to push-crash issue. That's why, I've putted fastback in front and accelerated it because now it has taken the grass-route for this race and all other three opponents have to turn right, when fastback was behind, it pushes the opponents ahead of it which makes the opponents to take weird routes and crash into wall.


6 brand new ultimate cops have been added into the races. The cops are not ordinary, they've alternate AI, they'll not only chase you, sometimes, they'll reach before you into the way points map and patrol the city and when you'll be spotted there, they'll interfere you to navigate and will crash you. They've now ability to teleport and NOS effect.


Bridge-Jumping side brand new routes have been added and applied to all opponents, actually the grass route was previously taken by the white mustang but due to its curb crashing issue and fastback's slipping issue, I swapped them. Now it's perfect.


Non-Bridge side now considers 4 fast routes which has 2 fastest known. This pic also shows traffic density.


You are a loaf.


Now I've finally finished South Bank Brawl, now I will move on River Thames Run. After finishing London Checkpoint races, I'll send it out for alpha testing.

Hope you enjoy them! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:11 am
by NotoriousA
The cops are gonna be some hard challenge. Can't wait for River Thames Run.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:02 am
by MidMadDriver

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:48 am
by sajmon14
Nice, did you added the text by modifying the exe or is it the msg thing in waypoints file? And 2nd question, are you planning adding some props, which could make the races harder?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:49 am
by e-cobra
Blue fog? And 'ability to teleport'? How's that possible? :o

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:36 pm
by RohitXL5
Nice, did you added the text by modifying the exe or is it the msg thing in waypoints file? And 2nd question, are you planning adding some props, which could make the races harder?
Lol no, I didn't hacked exe nor I changed mmlang.dll. You never noticed it because you guys never tried a race with 8 opponents in MM2, when you come on 9th place, it says "You are a loaf" instead of you finished 9th. :P

In case of 2nd question, I don't know if I would. I need to learn adding props first, but I don't think so I should add, it will require hacking because it will require more .pathset files to place them. So I don't think so.
Blue fog? And 'ability to teleport'? How's that possible? Surprised
That blue fog is a part of my custom 360 degrees skies and shading mod. Not the part of racemod. That's my custom edit.

About ability to teleport, I'm not sure about that it will 100% happen. To be honest, I didn't made the cops to be able to NOS effect (That's default power of cops), patrol effect and teleport ability. I don't know how it happened but I found it interesting so I didn't removed cops as it makes the race harder. Maybe it happens when you design custom cops codes in the police list. Also I noticed that the music doesn't turns to cops theme all time when cops spotted you in custom cops.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:06 pm
by NotoriousA
I wonder how, and in which way the cops teleport...

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:06 pm
by RohitXL5
I wonder how, and in which way the cops teleport...
Noticed it twice at first cop, when he missed to hit me, he teleported ahead, at 2nd time, I noticed that first cop again flying over cinema hall and attacking on me by falling into me. It was funny lol.

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:09 pm
by NotoriousA
That sounds like an action scene!

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:42 pm
by EnzoSkylineMiura
first cop again flying over cinema hall and attacking on me by falling into me. It was funny lol.
I am dieing for these alpha tests!!!! :P

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:33 am
by darrenvox
if only i could get my downloaded copy of mm2 to work without the flickringd stuff, but looks great,

all of you who do these mod (i have no idea how but would love to know how..)

i tried zmodeler and within a week i said its not for me...

but anyways on track well done!!

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:58 pm
by RohitXL5
Thanks everybody! I'll consider people who deserve for alpha-testing.

@Darren, Zmodeler isn't used to modify or make races. There are better manual ways to do that and that's the best technique of me.

So guys, I've finally started doing River Thames Run. After knowing every opponent and its route and many statistics of the race, I've made the new start spots, changed opponents and new weather is now written as default which is now rainy evening!

Now this race contains 8 opponents. Now the 5th opponent which was a RSi in default race has a new start spot.

A issue of two opponents' opposite direction of turning which enforces them to crash or leave their intersection is now fixed by swapping their start spots.

Here's a pic of the new opponents, weather and start spots which shows change since the default.


More progress soon! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:01 pm
by NotoriousA
I thought Roadsters would be in this race, it would fit perfectly.