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by whoami
Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:33 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness General
Topic: Should i get this game?
Replies: 6
Views: 1649

I want Microsoft to make an uptodate open world game and all there doing is focusing on hardcore racing games
Try Forza Horizon 3. It's magnificent.

On topic, a copy of MM2 is always available at - hosted by me and with the Speedboot EXE. No mods.
by whoami
Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:33 am
Forum: Midtown Madness Media
Topic: SOTM 2016 Edition - October and November Contest
Replies: 196
Views: 54892

A vote for Matyii!
by whoami
Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:40 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness Help
Topic: Windows 10 - Can't install MM1
Replies: 2
Views: 1116

Did you try right clicking and running as admin?
by whoami
Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:50 am
Forum: About Website
Topic: Stop underlining everything?
Replies: 4
Views: 1643

Here's a before and after.

Also, sorry for the late response, I forgot to check for any. Silly me.
by whoami
Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:46 pm
Forum: About Website
Topic: Stop underlining everything?
Replies: 4
Views: 1643

Stop underlining everything?

Hey. So I was browsing MM2X, you know, for the old times' sake. And I noticed that in the downloads section, when you hover over anything , everything gets underlined. I checked it out, and it seems it's because of this CSS rule: A:hover {BACKGROUND: none; COLOR: #CCCCCC; FONT-SIZE: 10px; FONT-FAMIL...
by whoami
Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:51 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness Help
Topic: MM2 Lags On Windows 10
Replies: 6
Views: 1798

Just following the step 11 of the Windows 8/.1 guide on an up to date copy of 64-bit Windows 10 results in a game extremely enjoyable at max settings.
by whoami
Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:40 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness General
Topic: Tutorial after installing MM2 on Win 8/8.1
Replies: 4
Views: 1567

Should this work on Windows 10 as well, assuming I have all the latest updates installed? I've done the Wine thing before to no avail...

EDIT: Confirmed works. THANK YOU SO MUCH. :"D
by whoami
Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:56 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness Tracks
Topic: Chicago
Replies: 72
Views: 11975

YESYESYESYESYESYES just freaking yes. :D

SuperSecret, I hereby award you the whoami MM2 Mod of The Year Award 2014. :P Awesome stuff it is.
by whoami
Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:54 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness Media
Topic: SOTY 2014 - Winner Announcement! (pg34)
Replies: 507
Views: 98092

Kunal... e-cobra... Kunal... e-cobra... Kunal... e-cobra... (head explodes)

I vote for Kunal. :P
by whoami
Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:29 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness Help
Topic: What to do to play MM & MM2 on Windows 8.1?
Replies: 10
Views: 2233

If we're talking of MM2 on non-supported platforms, I play it on Linux with Wine... just that GameRanger doesn't work, so I'm stuck offline...
by whoami
Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:49 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness Media
Topic: whoami's recordings
Replies: 27
Views: 8132

I need a download for the EPICooper, I love that it has hydraulics from a lowrider. Now we need a 1964 Impala from something like Motor City Online so we can make a bouncy lowrider with the EPICooper's suspension... :P Hydraulics? I like to think of the whole car as the suspension. :P Get the car h...
by whoami
Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:49 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness General
Topic: What memories does MM2 bring you?
Replies: 27
Views: 4461

MM2Central isn't gone, but you'll have to go here. The main site may be messed up, but the files are still there
Best. Thing. Ever. :D

Thanks for the link! MM2C was the first mod site I found, and there are a LOT of cars I wanted to drive again. :)
by whoami
Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:46 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness General
Topic: Findings in MM2 + MM2 Coding Reference
Replies: 5
Views: 1256

Whoa, sounds awesome! :)
by whoami
Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:22 pm
Forum: Midtown Madness Car Projects
Topic: StanOfGB's Garage
Replies: 886
Views: 78015

I didn't download the car yet, but that sound... :o
by whoami
Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:02 pm
Forum: General
Topic: AYO!
Replies: 3
Views: 1116

Ohai! (waving at you)