Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


Underground Train ..

Added by FXANBSS

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A short video Tutorial showing How To install a car in Midtown Madness 2. 🚗<br>
he same procedure can also be used for install add ons, mods or tracks to the game!
How To install a C..

Added by DjDecibel

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Submitted by hastantyo

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-- I love this car a lot ! --

Media Description

-- I love this car a lot ! --

Media Info

Submitted by: hastantyo
Added: 30 Jun 2010 15:08:34
Filename: 357c4c20ca1c180.png
Size: [600 x 375 png]
Viewed: 1783 times
Votes: 1 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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No.Submitted byComments
4 Member hastantyo
(01 Jul 2010 02:28:16)
Haha, yes its mirrored .. :D Thanks !

3 Member Zac4084
(01 Jul 2010 02:06:58)
Looks good mirrored sometimes. I do this too. ;) Appropriate wheel spin. ;-)

2 Member matt1314
(30 Jun 2010 23:05:19)
Haha, is it mirrored?

1 Member Silent1Unknown
(30 Jun 2010 22:32:41)
Nice pic!