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.:|[ Comfirmed hit/miss in midterm exam 3 ]|:.
Submitted by carfan1061

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As you can see, in one picture I'm using manual an in the other automatic. The diffrence is just outstanding, you don't just get better gear changes, you also get a higher top speed!

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As you can see, in one picture I'm using manual an in the other automatic. The diffrence is just outstanding, you don't just get better gear changes, you also get a higher top speed!

Media Info

Submitted by: carfan1061
Added: 01 Mar 2017 19:05:08
Filename: 1932e362fa1ba86.jpg
Size: [1280 x 480 jpg]
Viewed: 1163 times
Votes: 1 times
Rating: 10.0 Point

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2 Member Doof4294967296
(03 Mar 2017 08:35:20)
Manual is better, but only make sure to shift in the right time! I tested it in a drag race with same cars. I've won the race though?

1 Member FXANBSS
(02 Mar 2017 01:00:32)
Yeah, in fact, manual transmission has always been a lot better than Automatic. The auto transmission mostly gears up with a very high RPM, being a little waste of time, but you can gear up with a lower RPM manually, it takes better advantage of the vehicle's speed.
It also may be more useful on Raining Weather, just do a gear-up if the vehicle keeps drifting without control. (that's for Panoz GTR-1)

By the way, that's the Final Exam, not Midterm 3. :P