MM2X MM2X: 7 and 10

Posted on Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:47 am by Gafaddict

So some of you will notice that the nice little counter on the bottom of the page has been, for 5 years, recording the number of times that people have logged onto MM2X. Some of the more attentive eyes might notice that that number is now over ten million -- meaning ten million times people bothered to come and check this neat site out. Cool, huh? Just a nice thing I thought I'd bring to everyone's attention


Not only that, but 7 years ago today the second game in the Midtown Madness series was released. And impressively for seven years people still play the game -- more importantly, people still know how to (and continue to) make content for this racing series. That's a strong community, and it's gotta say something positive about the game.

Go out (or stay in, whichever way you look at it) and play the game today!

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