Midtown Madness 2 eXtreme


I'm not racing, this the normal tour modus. Where does this arrow come from?

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This is how a Karen drives her car.
How Karens Drive T..

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Submitted by Seahawk

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So, the conclusion of this MM2 bug is that SuperSecret has misplaced the building. See to it that you make a patch for this. That misplaced building is in MM1 as well, but it doesn't block the alley.

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So, the conclusion of this MM2 bug is that SuperSecret has misplaced the building. See to it that you make a patch for this. That misplaced building is in MM1 as well, but it doesn't block the alley.

Media Info

Submitted by: Seahawk
Added: 30 Jan 2018 09:56:20
Filename: 009a7df457f0419.png
Size: [1280 x 1025 png]
Viewed: 2097 times
Votes: 0 times
Rating: 0.0 Point

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