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Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:32 am
by midtown96
Why I dont get any answer?
My last post on this topic is more than 2 months ago.
I have tried dgvoodoo it doesnt help.
I have also Another game which is called Scooter Pro.
I have problem with this game also.
Please help!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:52 pm
Dude... it's a game from 1999, that's 17 years ago now, it's inevitable that it won't run on Window 10, I mean I can just about run MM2 on 10, but not without artifacts like glitched shading and no audio on first boot. Maybe you should have Windows 98 on Dual-Boot to run your older games on, like MM1 for example.

I'm sorry to say this, but each new Windows OS released is becoming less and less compatible with the Midtown Madness franchise, and those games are not the only games that won't work on 10, I have The Sims 3 on my PC and even that doesn't work on 10, and that's a game from 2009.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:00 pm
by KingAndy
I don't think people ignored your post, but we simply don't know the answer. Me personally, I haven't tried to play the game on Win10, so I have no idea what the problem is if dgvoodoo doesn't fix it. The same way, other people don't and it doesn't make much sense to write a post saying "I don't know", right? ;)

People also expect someone to know the fix so just wait for an answer just like you. I'm sorry this isn't the answer you wanted, but as BUGATTIMAN253MPH said, newer versions of Windows end up bringing compatibility issues for these older games. If you want to be able to play with no issues these titles, your best hope is to keep a second PC running 7, or either install one of these older versions on a different partition of the hard drive or running it on Virtual Machine.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:57 am
by midtown96
Now I have solved the problem for one game.
It is called scooter pro. I have solved it with dgvoodoo 2.42 and it works on windows 7,8,10.
Version 2.42 is best for this game of all versions of dgvoodoo I have tried.
I have not tried all versions of dgvoodoo. I know, the newest versions of dgvoodoo doesnt work for scooter pro. I have not solved the problem with Midtown madness 1.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:45 pm
by midtown96
I have tried the advice from this link but it doesnt work for me.
What I do wrong?