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Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:38 am
by dummiesboy
Zac, I can play MM2 fine on my other computer, but I just can't be bothered to get it out again. :P

Also, this laptop is specially designed for being able to replace things, like a GFX Card. That's why my dad got it. It is a top of the line laptop, that can even run crysis at fairly high settings, and has the ability to take it compleatly apart, and put it back together with new guts.
To tell the truth, I can play MM2 just fine, as long as cloud shadows (or as I've nicknamed it, "Lag Mode") is turned off. I acually get seemingly huge framerates with them off, but have not confermed yet.

PS, Lag Mode is great in multiplayer, if you dont want others to get the CnR gold easily, so I acually have an advantage here. :P :wink:

EDIT: w00t! I have.. half solved my problem with ZM. I can import stuff, and do almost all things.... except delete, that's where ZM calls the line. This still sucks, but I am beginning to trick my laptop into doing what I want. Almost like an older Mac. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:05 pm
by dummiesboy
*Double Post*

Because of a request from a friend, I have made a short video that shows how my MM2 runs, and looks. I'd reccomend watching it in high quality, so that you can see the graphics issue.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:58 pm
by Zac4084
I was waiting for one. :P Looks smooth, dunno about the problem, might not be the gfx. Cloud shadows don't do much, you can't even really see them irl. I'd play without them. But theres other problems too.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:49 pm
by StanOfGB
Hey! Now i realize that on my laptop, when i run MM2 i have the same issues...but i didn't know this was an actual problem. Weird thing is that every other month, the graphics decide to be normal again and i can drive an 80k poly car "into the city" if ya know what i mean.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:15 pm
by HummersRock
When you are at the GG bridge and look at the city expect lag no matter how good your computer is. On my computer if I am at the GG bridge and look at the city, my FPS can go as low as 20FPS. Really, don't expect much from mm2 even if you had a super over clocked I7, 12GB of RAM and 3 GTX 300s.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:10 pm
by Zac4084
This happens to me too. I have to work with 3DS Max and AutoCad IRL so I need Alienware's. Most of mine still lag with MM2.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:01 pm
by dummiesboy
Well, good news, and more good news! :D

I found out a temp solution to the ZM problem. Import the model, save as z3d, exit zm, open z3d. After this, I can delete stuff. The textures are gone, but that only takes 1 minute to correct. So this means that for now, I can model things!

And, about MM2CT, a simple re-install fixed that one, go figure. :roll:

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:16 pm
by Silent1Unknown
Good news indeed!

Now come oooonnnnn RV4! :D

EDIT: I'd laugh if a simple re-install of ZM would fix it too. Similar thing happened to me too. I couldnt get ZM installer file from anywhere; Vista just wouldnt download it. Then Franch gave me the portable ZM folder. I used it until I realized I could now download ZM.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:17 pm
by HummersRock
Cool. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:21 pm
by dummiesboy
RV4 will hopefully continue soon. First, I'd like to make a simple remake of the city bus, with 3d interior, etc. Just to brush up on modeling after a couple month break (I did nothing related to modeling in RV4 for awhile), and for someting related to my clan on Voobly. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:23 pm
by Franch88
ZModeler program has some bad bugs that makes it crash; sometimes it happens to me with certain meshes, where for example, deleting a polygon the program crashes. Another bug affects the Materials Editor and the loaded textures in the textures list. MM2 City Toolkit program hasn't the install setup, but good to have re-extracted it from its archive.
Other than that, very good news. :)

About the MM2 running on your new laptop, it's pretty normal that the game lags more with the clouds shadows enabled and when are visible very large and detailed parts of the city. This is worse when the models have more polygons. Pretty the same thing happens to me.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:27 pm
by dummiesboy
Well, I had some kinda good setup on my old laptop. I guess I'm experiencing the normal MM2.

And yeah, I meant re-extracting MM2CT. The old one might have gotten corrupt from the transfer from my old harddrive, who knows?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:11 pm
by Silent1Unknown
Do you want the portable version of ZM to see if it works proper? Franch has it.

See my EDIT above if you havent already.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:31 am
by matt1314
Great news you fixed that problem! Glad you can continue to work now. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:01 pm
by dummiesboy
I know i'm bumping an old topic here, but I have some news.
I have completly solved my ZModeler issues, turns out I had AA and AF on for the program. I can now do anything I want in ZModeler again.
And I think I have an idea on the lag in MM2, but I still dont know how to fix it. I was playing No One Lives Forever, and was getting unplayable lag (5 fps average) in large outdoor areas. After I turned off Detail Textures, the lag went away, and I got a solid 60 fps, same thing in MM2 if I turn off cloud shadows. Both of them are made in exactly the same way, overlay a texture over another.
I'm not sure what causes the lag with this type of feture, but does anyone else have an idea?