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Mm2 Hook lagged my game

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 1:25 pm
by Michaelx1
So I’ve installed mm2 hook when I fired up the game played in euro city it some what lagged

Re: Mm2 Hook lagged my game

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:32 pm
by Franch88
From the way you say it, seems that depends by the add-on city, also because it's a bit heavy to play. Have you tried to play it without MM2Hook and see if it runs in the same way?

Re: Mm2 Hook lagged my game

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 1:43 am
by Michaelx1
I’ve done it before i got Mm2hook it was worked

Re: Mm2 Hook lagged my game

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:36 pm
by Michaelx1
MM2HOOK works on Chicago

Re: Mm2 Hook lagged my game

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 11:44 pm
by Franch88
It's not a matter of working or not. It works in both cases, it's just that on Eurocity add-on you get more lag. Well, I don't know, play it without MM2Hook then, also because it won't give nothing really worth to the playing experience of that add-on city.

Re: Mm2 Hook lagged my game

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:59 am
by Toty
The same thing happened to me. Some debugging options on mm2hook can cause the game to lag on certain add-on cities. Open mm2hook.ini and turn off all the debugging options at the end of the file, like this:
# This section allows you to enable various debug features. Note, these settings can negatively impact performance in some cases.
ShowConsole=0 ; Enable the MM2Hook console.
InstallLogging=0 ; Enable detailed logging for MM2Hook callbacks/patches.
DebugLog=0 ; Enable MM2's built in debug logging.
DebugLogLevel=0 ; 0 = none, 1 = messages, 2 = warnings, 3 = errors
#Start of AGEDebug settings.
AGEDebug=0 ; Log verbose debug output to 'AGE.log'. WARNING: Known to cause stability issues in Multiplayer.
GfxDebug=0 ; Enable GFX debug info in 'AGE.log'.
AudioDebug=0 ; Enable audio debug info in 'AGE.log'.
JoystickDebug=0 ; Enable joystick debug info in 'AGE.log'.
AssetDebug=0 ; Enable asset debug info in 'AGE.log'.
#End of AGEDebug settings.
VehicleDebug=0 ; Enable debugging for vehicle initialization.
PhysicsDebug=0 ; Enable debugging for physics manager. (Slow!)
RoadDebug=0 ; Enable debugging for road propulation.
WheelsDebug=0 ; Enable debugging for wheels.
You probably don't need to turn them all off, you can try one by one if you want, and see what works.